Wednesday, July 14, 2010

DEMANDS...HAHAHAHA... when I get time - thanks!

This morning hubby demanded that I clean up the bedroom today ... HAHAHAHAHA!

Little does he know that it will get cleaned some time in the near future, BUT not today!!!!

Funny thought on that ... is I have not slept in the bedroom in 2 weeks. Not that I don't want too, but lil boo's bus come at 7 am and I wake up between 5:44 and 6:30 to get her ready. He doesn't want to be woken up that early. So because I am doing that and conditioning my body for my the earlier hours of lil boo's school schedule and my work hours ... I am banished to the couch.

But without fail, in the past I clean the bedroom, then the tornado also know as hubby, but not to be confused with tornado boo, the room is a disaster within the same day or a day later. So why am I to be the one to clean the room and do the laundry always!?!?!? I mean if you are looking for something - don't just throw the crap around - PUT IT BACK!!!! If you need to look in the pile of laundry for what ever - don't toss the laundry on the floor and not put it back. If there are clean clothes on the bed, don't knock them on to the floor. If you shave clean up the whiskers and mess from the sink! If you sit at your desk to play a game on the pc and decided to chain smoke, use an astray for your damn ashes - lets not have the ashes fall where they may and leave the butts any old place. If you eat or drink at your desk - throw the wrappers away, put the dishes in the sink! FOR THE LOVE OF THE LITTLE SANITY I HAVE LEFT CLEAN THE F**K UP AFTER YOUR SELF!!!!

I love you dear hubby, but when I married you, this was to be a partnership - a 50%/50% split. I did not sign on to be your mother, house keeper, nanny, cook, personal assistant (ie handle your phone calls, pay your bills, do internet stuff, handle misc BS, etc - anything not handled by the listed titles), personal dresser or lady of wardrobes, sex slave (hey the need for sex works on both accounts - not just when ever you feel like it) to be on call when ever and where ever 24/7/365.

I am just S*I*C*K of cleaning - not only do I clean after you, lil boo and myself, BUT i have to clean other people's crap too! (The apartments that I clean :( which I hate with a bright burning passion!!!! - but soon never to be done again!!!)

Ok thanks for listening to the rants!

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