Thursday, July 22, 2010

woken up on the verge of falling asleep

Dear Friend of My Little Sister (who is not so little age 21):

I did not like being woken up on the verge of falling asleep! At 12:30 am with an "accidental text" while proceeding to use my sister's phone. I explained in my text back to you while I thought you were my sister that I have to be up early to get lil boo ready for school and not to text me back or to text me again this late every again unless it is a weekend. Well I get a text back saying sorry - hey understand it was a mistake ... but you do not mess with my sleep!!!! Then I get the message - "da message was a mistake and in drafts. this is da alex".

So "Alex" (male? female? at the house the my sister is house sitting for) why don't you kindly get your own phone so you don't have to text using my sister's phone or some one else's?

I called my sister - thinking that she was still up. Called her once with no answer and called her again ... well she answered an was a sleep and I woke her up. I told her about her friend waking me up with the text and had to ask about the phone.

SO NOW, I can not go to sleep because if I sleep now I will never wake up at 5:44 am to get lunch made, get boo ready for school, dress myself, take boo to the bus - because I do not have the gas money to cover the cost of the gas to drive 20 miles away which takes 40 minutes to get boo to her summer school program. Now I will be dragging my behind all day tomorrow :0<

Thanks Alex ... I owe you one! I think I will have to hire someone to find you and sucker punch you in the stomach after falling asleep for at least 2 hours and see how you like it ... or at the very least to throw a cell phone at your head while sleep. Hmmmmm, it may have to be like 10 cell phone at the very least!

So Alex, you have made me into a mean tired bitch for tomorrow ... maybe you should fly down so you can finish the vacant apartment and deal with lil boo tomorrow when she gets off the bus all cranky from sleeping on the bus - then you can make dinner, clean the apartment that we live in and deal with my husband!!! And the list goes on ...

Or you can avoid the physical bodily harm and the cleaning and other chores by paying a huge stiff fine for your actions.

The choice is your, but I prefer the huge stuff fine made out on a money order or certified bank check payable to me.

At least you can enjoy a peaceful night of sleep -GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

A Sleepless Me

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