Friday, August 6, 2010

I received a phone call today to have boo tested in speech and language and mental testings. This has to be done so that she may qualify for ssd ... so this way we can get her the therapies that she needs.

I also am waiting on that fated phone call ...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Les Cris Hôtel de Saleté et de Sinistre

Hotel Pictures, Images and Photos

Welcome to Les Cris Hôtel de Saleté et de Sinistre...

Here are your host and heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle.

The host - will fix your car providing you traveled by car and that you pay for all the parts on suggested repairs. He will also talk your ear off regarding his truck and general knowledge on the interworking of engine. He might provide a brief break and entertain you with his games or may be a movie.

The hostess - will provide you with nutrition and guided tours around the city and surrounding areas. She will try to make your visit as comfortable as possible and regale in real adult conversion that is outside scope of automotive.

The heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle - will provide impromptu and impulsive entertainment by going into your bags and taking your driver's license, credit cards, make up and keys and any thing else of interest. Also she will talk to you for hours by using the same phrase over and over again. Instant on watching the same wiggles video over and over and over again. Fight going to sleep, scream and cry and bang on the door in the middle night preventing a decent night sleep. Also she will eat your food and drink with out any regard as it being yours and yours alone. She will climb all sorts of heights to get into sugary food that will send her system on overload. She is a bunch of laughs and smiles as well.


1) Over 300 dvd movies to be watched on a 74 inch tv with surround sound.
2) Access to laptop with internet and access to watch movies or netflixes.
3) Access to desktop computer with no internet access, but can watch movies or play computer games.
4) Access to pool and 20 mins away from the beach.
5) Random shopping all over the city.
6) Lectures on automotive issues and educational demonstrations provided weather you care to hear it or not - mandatory part of stay.
7) Child to play with or tolerate - mandatory part of stay.
8)Tuez les cafards contest: putting up with cafards mandatory, contest is not and there is no prize.


Breakfast - Coffee, Milk, Juice, Ice Tea. Limit choice of cereal, toast, maybe eggs if lucky.

Lunch- Same option of drinks. Left overs, soup, ramon noodles, maybe just maybe subs or cold cuts if lucky.

Dinner - Some options of drinks. Left overs, maybe steak, spaghetti or whatever the hostess feels like making.

Snacks - what ever may be left in house the the host or the heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle has not eaten already.

Happy Hunting!


1)There is no charge for staying - but understand you will sleep on floor, sofa or air mattress.
2) You will have to put up with nightly noises from heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle.
3) Guard and protect your food.
4) Must secure any hang bags, suitcases, or other bags with locks, placing in high places, leaving in car, or putting in safe or locked master bedroom. This also includes any personal hygiene items.
5) Lock bathroom door when in use.
6) Putting up with cafards. Do not be angry if you bring any unwelcome friends home.


Certain things sound better in french ...lmao

working hard or hardly working???

It must be nice for hubby to have a job that requires him to work hard part of the time ... depending on the demand for apartments to be fixed. In the periods of no work, he can come home and play the xbox or whatever video game has his attention, go to stores, watch movies, get laid, badger me. And the top of this all is he still gets paid ....

NICE!!! for him that is ....

I want a job, I want to work, I do not want to be home anymore staring at the walls. Anyway, the place that I thought I had a job for has not called me back. There was to be some sort of kick off today and I have not received a call back as to attend or not. Sooo, I called them yesterday, they are still waiting on background checks from the county. Well, school starts in a week and a 1/2 and I need to find some sort of work. I am looking in to a van driver position for a daycare ... well I did not get my cdl to drive buses for nothing ...

Also I am starting to get my 45 hour certification to work in day care .... that is my other alternative.

I just want to work ....

Back to hubby's job, so he is in and out all the time for tools... there is not real "break" from him unless I drive of into the wild blue yonder some where. I am criticized by him if I am online looking for a job or relaxing a bit. I clean the house (only for him to mess it again - ie area by tv - games stacked neatly under the stand - he tears it about hooking up stuff or looking for something never to replace the games). I do laundry only for him to toss it around ... there are things that I do that he comes in - then in less then no time the place is a wreck again.

But I shall not have that agreement with him again ... it is pointless.

So his lack of common sense ... today he invites this guy into the apartment today, this guy is going to help us lay carpet down in the apartment on Saturday. So anyhow, I am at my computer in my pjs (a xlarge shirt- thats it) working on the start of the certification that I need to work in a daycare, and he has this guy come in. At least give a person a heads up :(

But again ... off to do laundry... so I don't have to hid blog from hubby that is in and out all day - sometimes I have to wonder if he really works at all some days!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today ... laundry again.

I have to got to wally world and exchange couch covers. Get gas and laundry soap and milk. I need to do something semi fun with boo. Make dinner etc etc etc.

Shower first ... then go.

Monday, August 2, 2010

proper dose of caffeine

It is dangerous for me to post without the proper dose of caffeine in my system ....

For example: We have these cups that double as bowls they are that big. So I went to pour myself a cup of good old java ...

and I realize that I grabbed a regular bowl and not the cup bowl things that we have and poured a bit of coffee into that - I corrected myself.

To do today ... cash checks, pay bills, etc.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Deep Clean

We did two days of deep cleaning - and finishing today. Next weekend we are putting down new carpet - new to us but previously used but nicer looking then the one we currently have. Lulu refused to install new carpet in our apartment when we moved into this one 6 years ago. Her justification was because we were having a child and because hubby works here. However we are going to put peel and stick tile in the dining room area instead of carpet. I am glad about that. It will be easier to clean and if boo spills food into the carpet it will not clump up and be all disgusting.

So I have to finish the kitchen - cabinets, dishes etc. Also I have a glorious week a head of me of doing LAUNDRY - and we all know how much I love me some laundry (please note the sarcasm).

But one the carpet is down and we get a paint of coat up on the walls and some artwork from all it will feel more like a home.

Then when we have money one day in the far future then we can get a new couch and kitchen table and new and matching tool cases for hubby - since his tool cases are kept in our dining room. Yes I know ... but he has to get to his tools for work and we do not have a garage or proper closet space for the storage. So we make do with what space we have.

I Know what I said in a previous post about material things, I still mean it. I do not long for this that and another ... sure everybody wants something -but the need to have said so item should be based on is it a real need (like you will die or be serious put out without with item - food, clothing, medicine, housing, etc.) or do you have the extra money to afford the said so item with out causing harm to yourself and family (like if you decide to buy that new xbox game or tool or whatever will you be able to pay your rent, buy food, etc). So the couch and new kitchen table and tool cases can wait - because they are not needs, it would be nice to have nice new spiffy looking furniture items in the apartment - but at this time they are not needed.

Two years ago we did not have these items so it is not a big deal weather we have new or not ... because we simply did not have these items for the longest time. Maybe something will come up where someone in an apartment will leave a nice couch and chair set when they move out ... but hey there are other things that are more important than that.