Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Les Cris Hôtel de Saleté et de Sinistre
Welcome to Les Cris Hôtel de Saleté et de Sinistre...
Here are your host and heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle.
The host - will fix your car providing you traveled by car and that you pay for all the parts on suggested repairs. He will also talk your ear off regarding his truck and general knowledge on the interworking of engine. He might provide a brief break and entertain you with his games or may be a movie.
The hostess - will provide you with nutrition and guided tours around the city and surrounding areas. She will try to make your visit as comfortable as possible and regale in real adult conversion that is outside scope of automotive.
The heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle - will provide impromptu and impulsive entertainment by going into your bags and taking your driver's license, credit cards, make up and keys and any thing else of interest. Also she will talk to you for hours by using the same phrase over and over again. Instant on watching the same wiggles video over and over and over again. Fight going to sleep, scream and cry and bang on the door in the middle night preventing a decent night sleep. Also she will eat your food and drink with out any regard as it being yours and yours alone. She will climb all sorts of heights to get into sugary food that will send her system on overload. She is a bunch of laughs and smiles as well.
1) Over 300 dvd movies to be watched on a 74 inch tv with surround sound.
2) Access to laptop with internet and access to watch movies or netflixes.
3) Access to desktop computer with no internet access, but can watch movies or play computer games.
4) Access to pool and 20 mins away from the beach.
5) Random shopping all over the city.
6) Lectures on automotive issues and educational demonstrations provided weather you care to hear it or not - mandatory part of stay.
7) Child to play with or tolerate - mandatory part of stay.
8)Tuez les cafards contest: putting up with cafards mandatory, contest is not and there is no prize.
Breakfast - Coffee, Milk, Juice, Ice Tea. Limit choice of cereal, toast, maybe eggs if lucky.
Lunch- Same option of drinks. Left overs, soup, ramon noodles, maybe just maybe subs or cold cuts if lucky.
Dinner - Some options of drinks. Left overs, maybe steak, spaghetti or whatever the hostess feels like making.
Snacks - what ever may be left in house the the host or the heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle has not eaten already.
Happy Hunting!
1)There is no charge for staying - but understand you will sleep on floor, sofa or air mattress.
2) You will have to put up with nightly noises from heureuse petite fille qui provoque de nombreux résultats drôle courious et parfois pas si drôle.
3) Guard and protect your food.
4) Must secure any hang bags, suitcases, or other bags with locks, placing in high places, leaving in car, or putting in safe or locked master bedroom. This also includes any personal hygiene items.
5) Lock bathroom door when in use.
6) Putting up with cafards. Do not be angry if you bring any unwelcome friends home.
Certain things sound better in french ...lmao
working hard or hardly working???
NICE!!! for him that is ....
I want a job, I want to work, I do not want to be home anymore staring at the walls. Anyway, the place that I thought I had a job for has not called me back. There was to be some sort of kick off today and I have not received a call back as to attend or not. Sooo, I called them yesterday, they are still waiting on background checks from the county. Well, school starts in a week and a 1/2 and I need to find some sort of work. I am looking in to a van driver position for a daycare ... well I did not get my cdl to drive buses for nothing ...
Also I am starting to get my 45 hour certification to work in day care .... that is my other alternative.
I just want to work ....
Back to hubby's job, so he is in and out all the time for tools... there is not real "break" from him unless I drive of into the wild blue yonder some where. I am criticized by him if I am online looking for a job or relaxing a bit. I clean the house (only for him to mess it again - ie area by tv - games stacked neatly under the stand - he tears it about hooking up stuff or looking for something never to replace the games). I do laundry only for him to toss it around ... there are things that I do that he comes in - then in less then no time the place is a wreck again.
But I shall not have that agreement with him again ... it is pointless.
So his lack of common sense ... today he invites this guy into the apartment today, this guy is going to help us lay carpet down in the apartment on Saturday. So anyhow, I am at my computer in my pjs (a xlarge shirt- thats it) working on the start of the certification that I need to work in a daycare, and he has this guy come in. At least give a person a heads up :(
But again ... off to do laundry... so I don't have to hid blog from hubby that is in and out all day - sometimes I have to wonder if he really works at all some days!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I have to got to wally world and exchange couch covers. Get gas and laundry soap and milk. I need to do something semi fun with boo. Make dinner etc etc etc.
Shower first ... then go.
Monday, August 2, 2010
proper dose of caffeine
For example: We have these cups that double as bowls they are that big. So I went to pour myself a cup of good old java ...
and I realize that I grabbed a regular bowl and not the cup bowl things that we have and poured a bit of coffee into that - I corrected myself.
To do today ... cash checks, pay bills, etc.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Deep Clean
So I have to finish the kitchen - cabinets, dishes etc. Also I have a glorious week a head of me of doing LAUNDRY - and we all know how much I love me some laundry (please note the sarcasm).
But one the carpet is down and we get a paint of coat up on the walls and some artwork from all it will feel more like a home.
Then when we have money one day in the far future then we can get a new couch and kitchen table and new and matching tool cases for hubby - since his tool cases are kept in our dining room. Yes I know ... but he has to get to his tools for work and we do not have a garage or proper closet space for the storage. So we make do with what space we have.
I Know what I said in a previous post about material things, I still mean it. I do not long for this that and another ... sure everybody wants something -but the need to have said so item should be based on is it a real need (like you will die or be serious put out without with item - food, clothing, medicine, housing, etc.) or do you have the extra money to afford the said so item with out causing harm to yourself and family (like if you decide to buy that new xbox game or tool or whatever will you be able to pay your rent, buy food, etc). So the couch and new kitchen table and tool cases can wait - because they are not needs, it would be nice to have nice new spiffy looking furniture items in the apartment - but at this time they are not needed.
Two years ago we did not have these items so it is not a big deal weather we have new or not ... because we simply did not have these items for the longest time. Maybe something will come up where someone in an apartment will leave a nice couch and chair set when they move out ... but hey there are other things that are more important than that.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Keeping up with the Jones
Items, things, junk, clutter ....
These are material things that we cannot take with us when we die. In one life time (let alone one year) It is surprising the amount of crap that can build up.
I am cleaning out the desk area and a dresser that we are getting rid of and I have 1 and 1/2 bags filled with crap that has piled up and that I do not use.
It is hard for me to have anything nice between my daughter and my husband. Either Boo is being her curious, climbing, unintentional destructive self or hubby gets into one of his moods that things are to cluttered or have to change and this, that and what ever else goes or gets moved. I have no personal space of my own that I can claim - because either one is into my things.
So I am decluttering my life ... the less stuff that I have then the less I will miss if anything happens.
Also money - money that buys stuff, food, etc - is the root of evil. People get stressed if there is not enough to pay bills or buy food. Nations fight over money or oil or gold or diamonds etc.
That is the problem with trying to keep up with the Jones ... people do not appreciate what they currently have and want more and more and better things. Look at the world around us .... the housing market crash, the economy, losing jobs, etc. If we were all just happy with what we have currently and stop trying to reach for the material stars and save for that proverbial rainy day ... things might be better off. SO that is what I am trying to do....
School Shopping
Boo was too funny yesterday! We took her to pick out "panties" for school. We went to Kmart and we passed threw the ladies underwear section. Well you know those open displays that have the underwear piled up - Boo ran over to that all wide eyed and in wonder at the amount and colors of the underwear. She had a big old smile on her face and said "panties" just as she was getting ready to dive in with her hands to pull out a few pairs. We redirected her to the children' s clothing section so she could pick out panties in her size. lol ...
We also got her new shoes for school - light up sneakers with the Disney princesses on then that both she and Hubby liked. Also go her a pair of dress shoes/sandal with the Disney princesses on them - they too also light up. I got veto on the sneakers and dress shoes that were in sale and cute... the black sneakers with the pink edging and embroidered pink flower on the side and a pair of silver slip on dress shoes with black flowers on them.
Boo is pretty much ready for school - we got her school supplies 1 week ago. Just looking for a lunch box for her. The ones I have seen are just the lunch pail container with out the themo. What ever happened to old style lunch boxes that included the themo? Oh well, a brown bag works just as good.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
REVIEW: Balloon Bounce From Pogo
I have played as member and it was great - but I sometimes did not play it enough to warrant paying a monthly fee or did not have the funds to afford the membership fee (like now). But I do go on to play to pass the time with such games as yatzee, battle ship, risk, scrabble, etc. I love to play card games and board games but have no one to play them with. Pogo is the next best option for me.
Anyhow, Pogo has come out with a new game called Balloon Bounce. The idea of the game is to inflate a bounch of balloons shaped like dogs, flower, butterflies, etc as big as you can inorder to trap and disable and kill aliens that are zooming around the screen. It is a game that young kids can play and mindless fun that all ages can enjoy.
I like that I can pause it and come back to it as needed. That is one high light to it :)
Overall - it is a good game!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Favorite Things
Some of my favorite things ....
- Hubby/Lil Boo
- Coffee
- Reading
- Watching movies
- A nice cool day - no humidity, in the 70's
- Interesting birds
- Frogs
- Laughter
- Mocha coffee
- Strawberries
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Armadillos, puffer fish and scrub pines
So I was driving lil boo to summer school this morning and when I was stopped at a light. This woman in an SUV in the next lane over asked if she could get in front of me. Sure no problem I let the woman and her husband jump in front of me. Well any way, this woman must of had botox recently injected into her lips. She reminded me of a puffer fish wearing sunglasses - the Jackie O sort of sunglasses.
Coming back I noticed on the road a dead armadillo. Now I originally thought armadillos were out west and down in TX. I never realized that they were in my state too. I am a transplant from up north and moved down south. So the first time I every saw an armadillo was about 7 years ago. We were at a friend's apartment for dinner. I went out side to smoke (yes I smoke) and saw one. I was sooo excited to get to see a real live armadillo in the "wild". Not that the town/city I live in is know for being a rural area - it is very urban.
But now, I think an armadillo is more of a rat - a rat with body armor. Not a warrior ninja style fierce New York rat (no I am not from NY), but a distance cousin of this creature. They are more cowardly creatures... (Yes I am aware they are not related to rats.)
Also while I am on this North and South comparison ... the pine trees. Up North the pine trees are full and luscious and big. The pines trees here are more like Charlie Brown's Christmas in a taller skinnier style.
Monday, July 26, 2010
standing still
These same people are:
going to weddings ...
going to school...
having babies...
going to parties...
hanging out with friends and family...
going to concerts...
going to the beach...
and I am standing still waiting ....
Another week goes by and we are broke ... this time literally! Payday loans are evil monsters that prey on poor people - we are poor people!
Waiting on the extension from unemployment ... called them today only for them to tell me I will get a letter in about 10 day regarding the any money....grrr! But that is my lovely state ...
Waiting on my job to give me the thumbs up to work ...
Waiting on SSD for my daughter who has autism ....
Waiting is the story of my life ....
I am just waiting for things to get better, to get worse, to get somewhere....
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Super Powers....
Well it came to me yesterday, it is super human mommy powers!
Yes that is right, super powers! Not the exiting kind like Superman or some other comic hero.
Just the super sensitive abilities of smell, hearing, and intuition.
I was in the living room with my hubby and lil boo was in the kitchen. I told lil boo "Get down and close the stove". Hubby got up and lil boo was closing the oven door. I knew this all by the creaking of the door, I know the sound of the fridge and the dishwasher.
Hubby was amazed that I knew the sound of the oven door. I told him that I have super powers. I can also smell disturbances in the air ... like when boo gets a hold of the body soap and decides to dump it down the toilet. When I told him this he laughed and walked away.
But it is true!!!
So yes I know how my mother did it - she had the super mommy powers!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Random Random thoughts of todays doings
2) I still have to clean my apartment. I did sleep well last night in my daughter's room. I fell asleep while putting her to sleep.
3) We did some school supply shopping yesterday for lil boo. We got markers, crayons, glue bottle/sticks, pencil box, pencils, scissors, and hand sanitizer. We still have to get soap, disinfecting spray and wipes, baby wipes, some sort of candy, gold fish, cereal, paper plates, cups and tissues and art supplies.
4) I am done cleaning the living room. Next I am moving on to the dining room then kitchen, hall bath, lil boo's room and our bedroom. Maybe later today one load of laundry ...
5) I have been watching "Locked up aboard" and cleaning and checking facebook. I have no life :(
6) Hubby's belt went on his truck last night. $48 dollars to replace it. Still owe LuLu $350 for the 2 batteries and starter that he replaced in his truck.
7) Have not enough money to pay car payments, insurance, phone or for the tv and the money back to LuLu. This sucks!!!
8) My older sis is in Wyoming for a wedding of an old co-workers of ours. She is there with another old co-worker and cousin.
9) I never got around to the kitchen or the rest of the house - that will be for tomorrow after church.
10) Paid the tv payment. Trying to figure how we will make it through the rest of the week.
11) Still waiting for the phone call for my job ... I got a call last week saying that they were processing my paper work and that I would get a call this week. I called the location that I am to work for and left message for the manager. She called me back and said that she is still waiting for the email to say that they have my processed paper work. I will call again next week.
12) Hahaha Hubby is doing dishes before I clean the kitchen - YAY!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Pigs flew and I became a monopoly millionaire :P
Yes, pigs flew and I became a millionaire of monopoly money - dear husband helped me clean the vacant apartment today :)
I am still tired as all heck because stupid people who don't know how to text and text people at 12 am while trying to sleep. Then I tried to stay up all night so I could get the lil one to school, but I fell asleep and never heard the alarm. ***Sigh***
But boo was good today ... maybe I will take her swimming tomorrow.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
woken up on the verge of falling asleep
I did not like being woken up on the verge of falling asleep! At 12:30 am with an "accidental text" while proceeding to use my sister's phone. I explained in my text back to you while I thought you were my sister that I have to be up early to get lil boo ready for school and not to text me back or to text me again this late every again unless it is a weekend. Well I get a text back saying sorry - hey understand it was a mistake ... but you do not mess with my sleep!!!! Then I get the message - "da message was a mistake and in drafts. this is da alex".
So "Alex" (male? female? at the house the my sister is house sitting for) why don't you kindly get your own phone so you don't have to text using my sister's phone or some one else's?
I called my sister - thinking that she was still up. Called her once with no answer and called her again ... well she answered an was a sleep and I woke her up. I told her about her friend waking me up with the text and had to ask about the phone.
SO NOW, I can not go to sleep because if I sleep now I will never wake up at 5:44 am to get lunch made, get boo ready for school, dress myself, take boo to the bus - because I do not have the gas money to cover the cost of the gas to drive 20 miles away which takes 40 minutes to get boo to her summer school program. Now I will be dragging my behind all day tomorrow :0<
Thanks Alex ... I owe you one! I think I will have to hire someone to find you and sucker punch you in the stomach after falling asleep for at least 2 hours and see how you like it ... or at the very least to throw a cell phone at your head while sleep. Hmmmmm, it may have to be like 10 cell phone at the very least!
So Alex, you have made me into a mean tired bitch for tomorrow ... maybe you should fly down so you can finish the vacant apartment and deal with lil boo tomorrow when she gets off the bus all cranky from sleeping on the bus - then you can make dinner, clean the apartment that we live in and deal with my husband!!! And the list goes on ...
Or you can avoid the physical bodily harm and the cleaning and other chores by paying a huge stiff fine for your actions.
The choice is your, but I prefer the huge stuff fine made out on a money order or certified bank check payable to me.
At least you can enjoy a peaceful night of sleep -GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
A Sleepless Me
Random thoughts ...
2) Fellow coworkers will get to see me looking like trash or a homeless person... I am in shoes with holes in them, a shirt and pants that are covered in bleach stains .... and I reek of bleach!!! Why? Because I am cleaning my last vacant apartment!!!!YAY ME!
3) Will have to try to convince hubby that it is in his favor to help me finish this apartment .... the chance that will happen is zip to zero. There is more of a chance that pigs will fly and I will become buku rich in the next 1/2 hour.
4) Once I get done with the apartment - my bedroom needs an over hall. I will be lost in a sea of laundry .... and more lovely cleaning to be done.
5) Friends are going to Florida in August :) So dear hubby is fixing things in the apartment that he has put off, like:
1) fix the master bath
2) replacing the vent fan in both bathrooms
3) fixing the tile in the hall bath
4) painting previous repair job in the hall bath
5) putting in new rug
6) fixing sink in hall bath
The list is not that long - but when you do maintenance repairs all day, you don't really feel like coming home and doing the same thing.
6)Called my new place of employement and they still have not processed my paperwork. So I will call the hiring manager next week to follow up.
7) I spoke to my friend today and her boyfriend needs to grow the @*&@ up! She is coming down to Florida with her mother and sister for her sister's 16th birthday. Her boyfriend told her that he may not be there at the apartment when she comes back. They are engaged. Her boyfriend is a nice guy ... but not nice enough for her to marry. He has some serious issues that were caused from an accident that he was in almost 20 years ago. He is 37 and she is 31. Anyway, he is on SSD and doesn't work. He takes medication to manage anger issues that resulted from his head injury. Now when he is on his medication he is fine, when he is off his meds he is a jerk. He has never hit her or anything like that. But with times being the way they are and everyone is on a tight budget ... he is not being spoiled like he was when she was working. She is an unemployed teacher who is looking for work. Right now she gets whatever from unemployment and combined with his SSD. They live in a 1 bedroom apartment up north were the rent is like $1,ooo a month. Then they have other bills they need to pay. He has an allowance of $20 a month to buy what ever - cds, dvds, smokes, and he is not liking that. But he has to realize that some people don't even have that!!! Some people are losing there homes, cars, have to sell what they own because they no longer have a job - some of these people have kids they have to feed or health issues. He could be worse off then what he is now. He has to grow up and realize that life is not all sugar and sweetness -I know that he knows this, but it some times ticks me off how he treats her. She deserve better, but she is shy because of her size and settled for this guy.
8) Lil Boo just came home ... so I need to wake her and get myself back to work :P
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Some more random thoughts
2. Need to buy paper towels so I can finish my last dreaded cleaning job of vacant apartments. I am looking forward to getting it done so I can be done with it. But not looking forward to it because I hate cleaning vacant apartments. (I hate cleaning in general, but would much rather clean my apartment because I have to live in it.)
3. Plotting some time future trip to Ireland ... that is of course when all the bills are paid, when I start receiving steady check, when hubby has tires for his truck and all what he calls "necessaries" for his truck and tools for work (which some are not falling into that category.)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I have one last apartment to clean~!
Recipes for Homemade Cleaning Products
Pantry Cleaners: Recipes for Homemade Cleaning Products
By Cynthia Ewer
Editor, Organized Home
Author, Houseworks: How to Live Clean, Green and Organized at Home
Taken a trip down the cleaning aisle at the supermarket lately? If you believe the ad hype, you can't keep a clean house without loading your shopping cart with a different cleaner for each surface, floor and sink in the house.
Hogwash! Simple recipes using products from your pantry make effective household cleaning solutions. An added plus: these natural products are more environmentally friendly than commercial alternatives.
Stock your cleaning tool tote with these homemade cleaning sprays and solutions to make short work of household grime--without harsh chemicals or irritating fumes.
Try these easy recipes to clean your organized home faster, better and cheaper:
White Vinegar
Mildly acidic white vinegar dissolves dirt, soap scum, and hard water deposits from smooth surfaces, yet is gentle enough to use in solution to clean hardwood flooring.
White vinegar is a natural deodorizer, absorbing odors instead of covering them up. (And no, your bathroom won't smell like a salad! Any vinegar aroma disappears when dry.)
With no coloring agents, white vinegar won't stain grout on tiled surfaces. Because it cuts detergent residue, white vinegar makes a great fabric softener substitute for families with sensitive skin.
Try these recipes to harness the cleaning power of white vinegar:
Homemade Spray Cleaner Recipe
Mix in a sprayer bottle:
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 cup water
In the kitchen, use vinegar-and-water spray to clean countertops, lightly soiled range surfaces and backsplash areas.
In the bathroom, use vinegar spray cleaner to clean countertops, floors, and exterior surfaces of the toilet.
For really tough bathroom surfaces such as shower walls, pump up the cleaning power by removing the sprayer element and heating the solution in the microwave until barely hot. Spray shower walls with the warmed generously, allow to stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then scrub and rinse. The heat helps soften stubborn soap scum and loosens hard water deposits.
Undiluted White Vinegar
Undiluted white vinegar--straight from the jug--makes quick work of tougher cleaning problems involving hard water deposits or soap scum.
Use undiluted white vinegar to scrub the inside of the toilet bowl. Before you begin, dump a bucket of water into the toilet to force water out of the bowl and allow access to the sides. Pour undiluted white vinegar around the bowl and scrub with a toilet brush to remove stains and odor. Use a pumice stone to remove any remaining hard water rings.
Clean shower heads that have been clogged with mineral deposits with undiluted white vinegar. Place 1/4 to 1/2 cup vinegar in a plastic food storage bag, and secure the bag to the shower head with a rubber band. Let stand for 2 hours to overnight, then rinse and buff the fixture to a shiny finish.
Add one cup of undiluted white vinegar to the laundry rinse cycle instead of commercial fabric softener. White vinegar softens clothes and cuts detergent residue--a plus for family members with sensitive skin.
Baking Soda
Baking soda's mild abrasive action and natural deodorizing properties make it a powerful replacement for harsh commercial scouring powders. Put baking soda to work in your organized home:
Sprinkle baking soda onto a damp sponge to tackle grimy bathtub rings, scour vanities, or remove food deposits from the kitchen sink.
For tougher grime, make a paste of baking soda and water, apply to the tub or sink, and allow to stand for 10 to 20 minutes. Dirt, soap scum and deposits soften and are easier to remove.
Slow-running drains? Keep bathroom drains running freely by pouring 1/2 to 3/4 cup baking soda into the drain, and dribbling just enough hot water to wash the solution down. Let stand for 2 hours to overnight, then flush thoroughly with hot water. The deodorizing effect is an added bonus! [Do not use this method on blocked drains.]
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol provides the base for an evaporating cleaner to rival commercial window and glass cleaning solutions. Use this glass cleaning spray recipe for windows, mirrors, chrome fixtures and for a shiny finish on hard-surface ceramic tiles:
Homemade Glass Cleaner Recipe
Mix in a sprayer bottle:
- 1 cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol
- 1 cup water
- 1 tablespoon white vinegar
A strong alkaline solution, clear, non-sudsing ammonia creates stronger window and all-purpose cleaning recipes than acidic vinegar. Choose non-sudsing varieties of household ammonia for these cleaning recipes. Suds may make it appear like the cleaner is working, but they're tough to rinse and remove. Try these ammonia recipes for spring cleaning or tough chores:
Strong Glass Cleaner Recipe
Mix in a sprayer bottle:
- 1 cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol
- 1 cup water
- 1 tablespoon clear, non-sudsing ammonia
Strong All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe
Mix in a sprayer bottle:
- 1 T clear, non-sudsing ammonia
- 1 T clear laundry detergent
- 2 cups water
Furniture Polish
Most of us no longer use hard-to-apply furniture wax, but rely on oil-based polish to keep furniture protected and shiny.
This "salad dressing" recipe for furniture polish avoids the danger of silicone oil, found in most commercial polishes and sprays. Silicone oil can penetrate tiny cracks in furniture finish and enter the wood, causing problems in the event refinishing is needed.
Lemon juice dissolves dirt and smudges, while olive oil shines and protects the wood:
Furniture Polish Recipe
Mix in a sprayer bottle:
- 1 cup olive oil
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
Shake well and apply a small amount to a flannel cleaning rag or cleaning cloth. Spread evenly over furniture surface. Turn cloth to a dry side and polish dry.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Slacking and wet
How you fog up my glasses when I go outside,
how wet you make me,
and how much I want to slack off from cleaning,
Ok, I have one apartment to finish clean and it is not mine. After that I have one 2 bedroom apartment to clean and I AM DONE CLEANING VACANT APARTMENTS FOREVER!!!!!!!!
But I have to clean the ones I have ... then tackle the dreaded bedroom ...
I should hire a search party for that - if I do not post in like 4 days after starting the bedroom (and I will post) then someone should call the cops and send someone to look for me! LMAO
So I called SS yesterday to follow up on the claim for my daughter ... I was told that it will probably be sometime in September that a decison will be made.
I hate this waiting game...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
DEMANDS...HAHAHAHA... when I get time - thanks!
Little does he know that it will get cleaned some time in the near future, BUT not today!!!!
Funny thought on that ... is I have not slept in the bedroom in 2 weeks. Not that I don't want too, but lil boo's bus come at 7 am and I wake up between 5:44 and 6:30 to get her ready. He doesn't want to be woken up that early. So because I am doing that and conditioning my body for my the earlier hours of lil boo's school schedule and my work hours ... I am banished to the couch.
But without fail, in the past I clean the bedroom, then the tornado also know as hubby, but not to be confused with tornado boo, the room is a disaster within the same day or a day later. So why am I to be the one to clean the room and do the laundry always!?!?!? I mean if you are looking for something - don't just throw the crap around - PUT IT BACK!!!! If you need to look in the pile of laundry for what ever - don't toss the laundry on the floor and not put it back. If there are clean clothes on the bed, don't knock them on to the floor. If you shave clean up the whiskers and mess from the sink! If you sit at your desk to play a game on the pc and decided to chain smoke, use an astray for your damn ashes - lets not have the ashes fall where they may and leave the butts any old place. If you eat or drink at your desk - throw the wrappers away, put the dishes in the sink! FOR THE LOVE OF THE LITTLE SANITY I HAVE LEFT CLEAN THE F**K UP AFTER YOUR SELF!!!!
I love you dear hubby, but when I married you, this was to be a partnership - a 50%/50% split. I did not sign on to be your mother, house keeper, nanny, cook, personal assistant (ie handle your phone calls, pay your bills, do internet stuff, handle misc BS, etc - anything not handled by the listed titles), personal dresser or lady of wardrobes, sex slave (hey the need for sex works on both accounts - not just when ever you feel like it) to be on call when ever and where ever 24/7/365.
I am just S*I*C*K of cleaning - not only do I clean after you, lil boo and myself, BUT i have to clean other people's crap too! (The apartments that I clean :( which I hate with a bright burning passion!!!! - but soon never to be done again!!!)
Ok thanks for listening to the rants!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
homeless or naked ... or both?!?!?!?
From funny things to ponder
My answer is that the turtle is both homeless and naked!!!
I had to post this - I love turtles :)
But, in the process, screwed ourselves with the bills. Have to pay the electric by tomorrow - great can do. Also have to pay the payment for the tv - can do 1/2 week. It is a two week payment. :(
Next pay period, have to pay BOTH car/truck payments, car insurance, and tv, and phone. SOOO who is going to get the short end of the stick? I can make partial payments on the car and truck, must pay the car insurance in full and tv payments. Then that leaves the phone out to dry as well as food shopping.
Next month, we must get lil boo school supplies, shoes, and new underwear. I start working next month ... yeah pay check.
So trying to follow up on social security application. Her school and doctor sent records - trying follow up with this other place and call social security to get answer.
Now lil boo's window needs to be fixed - the wood around is dry rotted. Waiting on the work men to get here.
Well that is all for now. I must clean an apartment. Wait for the room to be repaired then clean the apartment.
in the mean time I must find some form of entertainment that does not involve cleaning the house (mainly laundry and our bedroom/closet - arrrrrgghhhh).
Training is over and I have my cdl - which means next month I will be driving a bus. :)
Monday, July 5, 2010
It is NOT a good idea to search for jobs online when you are in your company office. Your employer might find out and you might lose your job before y
from job hunting tips
That is the same principal as not to list your job in a blog or on myspace or facebook or using your real name if you are going to complain about your job or boss or do something stupid that will jeopardize your job.
see article below:
"Of course this is fine when your friends see it, but what about current or prospective employers? Take these Ottawa grocery store employees as an example. By starting a club and commenting on their workplace, these dudes were out of work and out of luck.
Think it's just in the lower end of the job market? Think again. This time it was for slightly different reasons, but the outcome was still the same. Charlie Barrow was a trader for Goldman Sachs who spent far too much time on Facebook until the IT department ratted him out and he was out of a job as well.
What about calling in sick to work and going to a party or concert? Make sure to avoid digital cameras. Facebook isn't just for students anymore and there's a good chance that you've got co-workers as "friends". Get tagged shotgunning a Lucky Lager while you were "home with the flu" and you could be on some thin employment ice. The combination of your work life and your social life can come crashing together quite quickly.
It's also worthwhile to think about cleaning out your social networking accounts or changing your privacy settings before sending in an application for a new job - if you're coming out of a four year program, that's a lot of party pictures that your new boss probably doesn't need to see. That's pretty questionable on their part, but it happens. Here's a Stanford Daily article on it.
While your accounts keep you connected to the world, you might want to monitor how connected you actually are."
OR:Former Teacher Sues For Being Fired For Facebook Pics
Posted: 3:41 pm EST November 11, 2009Updated: 6:49 pm EST November 11, 2009
Copyright 2009 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Fireworks and Fun
But I went to church and the service was interesting. After that I went to a meeting for a community service project and the little one was a perfect princess while there for 2 hours.
I came home and a friend called and invited us to go out for the fireworks. So we went... the traffic was mad crazy, but we found parking. We all walked to the beach with 6 grown up and 3 kids (ages 2-5). Got on to the beach after toting a cooler behind me and falling down the stairs to the!
But the little one saw her first fireworks show - she was sooo excited! She was in awe! Pointing at at the sky, jumping up and down, clapping, saying "pop pop" "oh ah" and cheering. She was hugging her daddy and gave him a random kiss (which is unlike her). The kiss was almost like a thank you to her daddy because he made the sky so pretty with sparkling lights for her!!!
The other 2 boys enjoyed themselves. The oldest was so funny on the way back to the cars. He kept yelling at the girls on the bikes, walking, and in cars (it was funny because they could not hear him in the cars) and saying "Hey, baby! I'm the pimp!". Then his little brother would say "what am I?". I wanted to reply too him (but didn't - better parenting skills kept me from saying it) "your the pimp jr.". LMAO
Also the oldest boy was just eating up the watermelon like it was going out of style. Of all the food I packed, all the kids ate and myself. Hubby had some tea and so did the boys' mother, and the boys' father had on of the juice boxes. The other 2 adults did not want anything.
It was fun!!! One of my better 4th of July!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
A Brief History of the 4th of July
Have you ever wondered why we celebrate the Fourth of July or how the Fourth of July holiday came about? Many people tend to think that we celebrate the Fourth of July because that is the day we received our Independence from England. While those people are thinking along the right track that is not the entire reason that we celebrate the Fourth of July, nor is it the reason that the Fourth of July holiday came about.
Way back in the 18th century the United States was not considered the United States. In fact, what we now call states were actually called colonies. The United States was actually an extension of England. People traveled from England aboard ships to settle in America, but eventually differences in life, thought, and interests began to develop which caused a rift between Britain and America.
When the colonies were first settled they were allowed to pretty much develop freely without hardly any interface from Britain, but things abruptly changed in 1763. Britain suddenly decided that they needed to take more control over the colonies. Britain decided that the colonies needed to return revenue to the mother country and they needed to pay for the colonies defense, which was being provided by Britain. But the colonies did not agree with these new rules at all. They felt that since they were not represented in Parliament that they shouldn’t have to pay any kinds of taxes to the mother country, hence the saying “no taxation without representation�?. When Britain continued to tax, the colonies formed the First Continental Congress to persuade the British government to recognize their rights. When this didn’t work a war was declared, which is known as the American Revolution.
After the First Continental Congress failed to persuade Britain to recognize the colonies’ rights, and war was declared, things began to heat up. Many people who were both considered moderates and radicals had decided that enough was enough and that any kind of taxation without representation was considered tyranny. People such as John Adams, Samuel Adams, and Ben Franklin, as well as a group called the Sons of Liberty decided that it was time to unite all of the colonies and to stand together against Britain.
During the course of the American Revolution a second Continental Congress was formed. It is this group that adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman. After the first draft was written by Thomas Jefferson, it was revised by Ben Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson before it was sent to Congress for approval. All thirteen colonies stood behind the Declaration of Independence and adopted it in full on July 4, 1776.
This is where the Fourth of July holiday comes in. The Fourth of July is known as Independence Day because that is the day that the Second Continental Congress adopted the full and formal Declaration of Independence. Even though we had declared that we were independent, the American Revolution was still being fought, which meant that we were still not independent. Regardless of the ongoing war the following year, people in Philadelphia celebrated a muted Fourth of July.
While celebrations on July 4th during the American Revolution were modest, after the war ended in 1783 the Fourth of July became a holiday in many places. The celebrations included speeches, military events, parades, and fireworks. To this day the Fourth of July is the most patriotic holiday celebrated in the United States.
4th of July
Today it is fun, fireworks, family, and food.
What are we doing?
No fun.
No fireworks.
Yes family and food.
We are here as a family and have food.
But there is no money for fireworks or fun.
I wanted to take the little one to see fireworks at the beach and do the whole celebration thing that they are doing....
but atlas there is no money to do any of that. We would have to pay for parking at the beach and any actives that we might do. We could bring food but there is no travel size cool for the food ... and it is from 4-9 pm and the fireworks are at 9:30 pm. We would there for at least 6-7 hours out in the heat and the sun and that cannot be done with out the funds :(
So I can take the little one to church at least ... then come back and clean the apartment then tomorrow I get to have fun and clean the other apartment :P
So much for fun...
Ahhh, also I wish I could have been up north for the family 4th of july cook out with every. The photos seemed that everyone was having a great time. The kids were in bathing suits playing with water guns and a slip and slide. The adults were playing badminton, relaxing having a good time and enjoying being with family and eating cook out. Also family from the surrounding states joined in the fun... however being that we are the least thought about family and poor and live far away, we were not even extended an invitation.
But that is how the cookie crumbles which extends from my family to hubby's family and even to friends that I once thought were good friends.
That is all for now...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Life life life
So this weekend is the forth of july :) Yay, most people have a three day weekend to enjoy. Tomorrow I am taking the little one to church and then maybe fireworks (that all depends on the money issue).
Dear hubby is getting scrap today that he may be able to cash in on. If he can then we will go and have a good time tomorrow.
Well that is it...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Dreams, Junkies, and Homeless People...
Anyway, where I was from you never saw a homeless person or a junkie. Of course you heard about it - but it is something that took place in major cities... not in a small farming community. You might have had a friend who was kicked out of their house or a person that you knew that dabbled in drugs - but never anyone labeled officially by those titles.
Well here it is different. You have both your junkies who are homeless and your homeless who are junkies. Or they are just a junkie or just homeless. Also you have hookers that are both. These people like to panhandle or offer their "services" for sell.
I am sure that they all had dreams at one time - like any other person who dreams. Some big dreams that are too outrageous to ever happen - or some small practical dreams that are workable ... but some how the bottom fell out and they end up where they end up.
My dreams use to be outrageous when I was younger ... thinking I might be an actress, or meet a prince that would sweep me off my feet, or that some other impossible good fortune wind fall would happen. Sometimes now I have dreams that I will win millions in the lottery... but I have to be real ... My dreams are now practical ... get a job that will allow me to be home with the little one during the summer and holidays, a job that will offer a pay check that will assist in payment of the bills, a chance to get caught up and maybe save some money, just a chance to survive and live some what comfortable.
The job that I may have providing I pass all my testing is not my dream job... it does however all me to work with kids in a small way, provide a check, and the schedule I need. Like I have been saying sometimes you have to give something up in order to gain another thing that works better for your life situation.
Come Monday....,
Got out of training early yesterday, had a nice dinner with hubby and little one. Went to the store to try to find a winne the pooh toy/plush doll for the little on and they had ...nothing :(. So she picked out some random toy and a book that makes noise.
Then came home and watched little one and hubby sing together (heavy metal music) and air guitar together. After that little one went to bed.
I was tired yesterday - sleeping on the couch to wake up early for training.
Anyway, I need to clean today and pay bills and do laundry.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Attending a new church ...
Ok, so a basic history on my church experience:
At a young age, while my parents were married, I attended a Baptist or Methodist church. It was fun from what I remember with Halloween parties, Christmas parties, Sunday School, etc. Then my parents divorced while I was young. Dad got custody of us, and our church going days pretty much ended ....
Until Grand-mom the strict Catholic step in to save our souls ....
We had to attend Saturday mass with her, the go to CCD one day during the week, then on top of that we had to go to the Sister's house once a week for further instruction since we were not raised Catholic.
So, this went on for years, until one day when I was in the 5th/6th grade when I was to make my conformation/confession. My Grand-mom wanted me to stay at her house all weekend to practice what ever prayers I needed to learn for that occasion. My Uncle's new wife invited me to her church for a mother/daughter dinner. My Aunt did not have any children. I was honored that she selected me to attend with her. Well this invite, rocked the boat with my grandmother!!! She was so furious that I would dare attend this event rather then sit at her house and practice the prayers all weekend. Grand-mom through up her hands and said if I went to this other church event that she was finished with me going to the Catholic church. So like a ton of bricks being released from my shoulders - I was free from the forced chains of the Catholic church.
So in my search for enlightenment, I attend two other churches because I had friends who went there and there were some fun activities. Then my other Grand-mother (aka Nana) who was also Catholic, but not strict started to attend metaphysical classes. Nana introduced me to earth based and some far fetched ideas, some that have been with me all my life before this time.
I always knew there was a god or creative force in nature and enjoyed the beauty of nature. It was something that I could feel, see, and touch. I also believed that you did not need a "middle man" in order to talk to god. Also it made sense to me that there be both a male and female presence in the world and in god - which most Christian religions did not touch on greatly. That both male and female were equal and the Christian religion focuses mainly on the male side of things.
From there, I found my way into Wicca. But I prefer to call myself pagan. I read up on the religion and felt my self at home. Here was a religion that touched on all that I believed and did not require the "middle man" to help you worship, that the way to worship was as simple or as elaborate as you wanted it to be. I have always found the spiritual side of paganism to be deep in my heart. It is the spiritual side I have practiced and not so much the magical side.
With that, I found my self involved with a group. It was like a prayer answered to know others of like mind to worship with. However, the group became more of a drama club, then it did a real group of spiritual worship. Slowly, members drifted away, new ones came, and then went. Some effected directly by the drama of the group and other just tired of the drama of the group left. After being involved for along time, my eyes opened and my family and I left, because we were sick of the occult like atmosphere cause by the constant need of drama by the High Priestess.
Then church / spiritual group gatherings were put on a hiatus, but not my beliefs. So we briefly attended another church that was freer in spiritual thought. We did that with the encouragement of a friend. But, it just was not the right fit for our little one with her special needs.
Then come today, our attendance of the Unitarian church. It was just me and the little one. Dear hubby wants a break from religion for a while because the drama of the past hit close to home - and he just want to be left out of it for now.
My overall impression was complete ease today. The summer time nursery staff was wonderful with the little one. She had a great time exploring and playing and was very happy! I went to the service and it was relaxed. They sang songs, are open and inviting to ALL religions and backgrounds and sexual orientation and races. They embrace everyone no matter what!
The sermon was about three vilified heroes in the bible - Jezabel who embraced the collective and non-forced practice of all religions in her husband's Hebrew realm, Thomas who was the "doubting Tom" in the bible because he required physical proof that Jesus had risen, and the third peasant in Jesus's parable about the rich man who went a way and gave large sums of money to 3 peasants.
The story behind Jezebel and Ahab was that Jezebel would not would not give up her gods when she married Ahab. She influenced her husband to accept all religions under his realm and not to force his kingdom to practice only one religion. The lesson of Jezebel is that she was tolerant of other religions and beliefs.
The story behind Thomas was that Thomas required hard fact that can be proven that Jesus had risen. Thomas was not going to take hear say as fact until he saw for himself and in front of other witnesses that this miracle had occurred. The lesson of Thomas was to not accept things as fact on blind faith alone because blind faith can led you into trouble, that it is best to rely on hard fact.
Then the story with Jesus's parable with the rich man and the 3 peasants was interesting. The rich man gave 3 peasants large amounts of money with instructions to invest the money and make a profit while he was away. The first and second peasants went out and followed the instructions. They made huge amounts of profit to give back to the rich man when he returned. The third peasant buried the money and waited for the return of the rich man. The third peasant did not invest the money nor touch the money. Upon the return of the rich man, the 3rd peasant gave him the full amount of money back. The rich man was extremely upset that his wishes were not followed. He kicked the peasant out and gave the other peasant who made the greater profit that money as a reward. The 3rd peasant had refused to let his principles be ruined by greed that money can cause.
It was defiantly an unorthodox lesson, but it made complete sense and kept my attention!
To conclude, we will be attending again next week :O) I am looking forward to it - also it will help the little one with her language and social skills and following directions :)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Truck Driving Momma...
Well, I drove around the parking lot with it and braking but not on the road. The little one saved the day - she was tired and cranky and had to use the bathroom!!! So her being more of a distraction saved me the horror of having to back the trailer up at night ... but that will happen soon...
so make sure you sleep well, stuff your face with food, and have sex or watch a funny movie and take a long hot shower before going shopping... HA HA HA HA
Thunder Booms!!!
I still need to go out and get clean supplies soooo I can clean one of the two apartments. But do not want to go out in the thunder boom (thunder storm) with my child. So, sitting and waiting for husband to come home so I do that so called undesirable deed of cleaning. Tomorrow I will take the little one to church. That is all that my weekend amounts too - ah yeah, and laundry.
Life sitution .... 1 st post
I am not good at keeping dairies or blogs, but I will try ....
I have been unemployed for the past year and a half. My unemployment ran out a few months ago. I have been on job interviews with not much luck. I have had an interview as of last week and have attending training classes (not paid) to get my cdl permit. I have past the permit test as of yesterday and start behind the wheel training on Monday. So that is a highlight....
But no pay will come in until I pass the road test. So at home things are a bit strained. We have one income coming in and lots of money going out with not much to spare. I clean vacant apartments to cover our rent - a bit of a barter system. Not a job that I like at all ... but hey it keeps a roof over our heads. We also have a small child out home who is autistic - but not "officially" diagnosed. She is in the ESE program at her school for children with autism. She is a work in progress - a happy, laughing, ball of energy!!!
Right now, we are at a dangerous edge. With one income coming in, the slightest illness, extra bill, or screw up can send us falling into a downward spiral off a cliff. Dear hubby is stressed, I am stressed ...
Dear hubby works his main job - then looks for side work like car repairs, towing, scraping metal, etc. I need have this job pull threw for several reasons ... we just need to make it threw the summer and then things will be looking up.
I may have to go hat in hand to my father, because I do not see how we can make it pass these next few months. My hubby is burnt out... I have been trying to find side jobs baby sitting, but not much luck has come my way in that direction. I am dreading having to make that phone call, but I will have to :(
Well have to clean my apartment then clean the two others ... so will post later